

Resources for Teachers

Unit 5 - Resources for Teachers

Our World Outdoors: Unit 5 Are you ready to investigate? Let's go!

Let's try to investigate and solve Problem 1!

In pairs or groups, discuss what type of seating area the PTA should buy.

What will the purpose of the new seating area be?

Use a mind map to record your ideas.

To use the mind map tool below:

  • to make a new box, click the + in the top left corner of the mind map space, put in what you want your new box to say and click 'Add'
  • your new box will be placed in the mind map space. From here, you can drag it around!
  • click on any box to make it your current 'base'. But be careful: once a box is clicked, it can't be moved again!
  • make as many boxes and bases as you can think of!
  • (to remove a box, click on the box you want to remove, then click the - in the top left corner)
  • when you're ready, save () or print () your completed mind map


Add new point

Purpose of seating area
e.g. a place to sit and read