

Resources for Teachers

Unit 3 - Resources for Teachers

Our Local World: Unit 3 My Welsh World

Before continuing, think about what would you like to see in the future in Wales.

Share your ideas with a partner. I would like to see… because…

Use a notepad to record your ideas.


Drag 'Agree' or 'Disagree' to each statement below, depending on how you feel about them

Statement Agree/Disagree
The tidal power lagoon will create an unique venue for sporting activities.
The tidal power lagoon will not generate enough energy for everybody.
It will provide clean energy for the future.
The new visitor centre will attract more tourists to the area.
The marine wildlife will disappear when they build the tidal lagoon.
There will not be enough jobs for local people.
People will be able to cycle, walk, fish and run around the lagoon wall.
Now, discuss with your teaching group why you agreed/disagreed with each statement


Conduct a 'Dragon's Den' oral presentation to persuade people to provide money for the project. The dragons will ask questions; consider the following:

  • What is it?
  • Where will it be?
  • How will it be built?
  • Who will it affect?
  • Who is against the development? Why?
  • Who thinks this would great for Wales? Why?