

Resources for Teachers

Unit 1 - Resources for Teachers

Our Local World: Unit 1 My Local World
Felinfoel Brewery
Felinfoel Brewery
Felinfoel Brewery

Felinfoel Brewery

This place is special because this was the first brewery in Great Britain to make and sell canned beer in 1936, and the second in the world! In the old days, the inns brewed their own beer - but only during the winter months.

Mill Wheel
Mill Wheel
Mill Wheel

Mill Wheel

This place is special because this is where the old corn mill used to be. Historians believe that the mill used to be there as early as 1399! This is also why our village is called ‘Felinfoel’.

Farmer's Row
Farmer's Row
Farmer's Row

Farmer's Row

This place is special because on brewing day, the yards and road outside Felinfoel brewery were crowded with farmers waiting to collect the ‘sog’. The ‘sog’ were the grains left over from the mash tun and the farmers used this to feed their animals.

107 Felinfoel Road
107 Felinfoel Road
107 Felinfoel Road

107 Felinfoel Road

This place is special because this is where Tŷ’r Frân tollgate used to be before it was demolished by the Rebecca Riots in 1843. Historians believe that the Rebecca Rioters got free drinks at a Felinfoel pub before they attacked the tollgate.

Felifoel Baptism Pool
Felifoel Baptism Pool
Felifoel Baptism Pool

Felifoel Baptism Pool

This place is special because people were baptised here as early as 1709. The Baptists of chapel Adulam created the Baptismal Pool to baptize people in the river Lliedi.


Carry out a class survey to find out which place in your local area is the most popular.

Then, create a useful guide of your Local World. Why is your local area special?

You might have to ask your teacher how to set this out.