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You will need to grow your own food on Mars: you will need to be a farmer!

But your farm is unlikely to look like most of the farms in Wales! What will it be like?

Try working out the answers to the following questions before clicking on the 'Show Answer' buttons – how many did you get right?

Would you be able to farm plants and animals?
It is easier to farm plants than animals, and so you will start off with plants
Will your farm be in the open air on Mars?
No! Just like your Martian home, your farm will need to provide shelter and protection for your plants (and you!), so the farm will be need to be contained inside a building.
Will your farm building need windows?
Yes, your farm building would need to consist of many windows to let in light, just like a glasshouse in a garden on Earth.
Why would your farm building need to let in light?
Plants need light in order to grow (they make their food during photosynthesis).

More Information!

Your Martian farm might look something like the great glasshouse at the National Botanic Garden of Wales.

Find Out More >

You will start off your farming of plants by planting seeds. If conditions are right, the seeds germinate, and plants start to grow.

Important Plant Parts

In this activity you will complete a paragraph explaining the jobs of the main parts of a plant. Fill in the gaps by typing in the correct word from the list: