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One of the goals of the Mars Mission, and the Curiosity rover, is to work out if there any form of life on Mars, or if there might have been in the past. A first step to achieve this goal is to see if there is any water on Mars.

Why would the presence of water tell us if there could be life on Mars?
Because all living things require water.
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Scientists believe that water is essential for all living organisms on Earth, and for any that might exist on Mars or elsewhere in the universe. When you are on Mars, it would be good to know if you have a supply of water available for you to drink.

Why is water important?

The activity below will help you think about why water is so important for life. Place a tick or a cross against each item in the list to indicate whether water is important for that item, and then briefly explain why on the right:

You can see that we need water for a great many things. Fortunately, on Earth there is a great deal of water, most of which is in the oceans.

Where else could we find water on Earth?
in: lakes, rivers, clouds, rain, snow, ice