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Though you still have some food, fuel, and other resources in your spacecraft, they will not last long, and you will need to stay on Mars for many months. Now that you know what the surface of Mars is like, it is time for you to venture out of your spacecraft, and explore your new planet.

Could you step out of your spacecraft dressed in ordinary clothes?
No! Mars is not like Earth, and you would not survive on the surface of Mars without special equipment

What are the problems you will face on Mars?

Complete the following table to remind yourself what Mars is like, what problems you will face, and what you will need to do. Then, click on the rocket button to view an example completed table, and compare your answers!

The conditions on Mars will definitely cause problems for human beings, but there may be organisms which can survive on Mars without special protection, and they may be living there now! But they will almost certainly not look anything like the ‘little green men’ mentioned in many science fiction stories!

Creating a Martian

If there really are living organisms on Mars, what features are they likely to have? Create an ‘ideal Martian’ in the exercise below by dragging possible characteristics onto the image.

You have made some decisions about the possible features of Martians.

In the following table, explain why you chose those features. Then, click on the rocket button to view an example completed table, and compare your answers!

So far, no living organisms have been observed on Mars. If true Martians really exist, they might be similar to the ‘extremophiles’ that live on Earth – these are organisms which can survive in extreme, or harsh, environments. They are often very small, and are able to make use of (or ‘metabolise’) chemical substances that we are unable to use. Your ideal Martian may also be small, and able to make use of carbon dioxide gas, possibly to make its own food (just like a plant). They would also need to be able to withstand radiation and severe cold.

More Information!

Find out more about what scientists believe Martians might be like

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Do we really need Spacesuits?

When you walk on the surface of Mars, you will need to wear a spacesuit. This will protect you, and also provide a supply of air to breathe.

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Find out more about spacesuits

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