!You should only do this practical exercise when under the supervision of a teacher
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Practical 2

Rocket Practical

In this practical exercise you will make a rocket! Not only that, you will provide the rocket with fuel and observe lift-off! This type of rocket was first made by the Chinese around a thousand years ago.

What will you need? (Apparatus):


These safety points mainly tell you about hazard. You will need to think about the risk(s) this might pose, and how you can minimize the risk.

What do you need to do? (Method):

  1. Place the sodium bicarbonate in the film canister.
  2. Use a pipette to add approximately 1cm3 of water.
  3. As quickly as you can, fit the lid on the canister, making sure the seal is tight.
  4. Turn the canister upside-down and place it on a flat surface. Stand back!

What will you see? (Results/Observations):

Note down what you see.

What happened, and why? (Conclusion):

Can you work out what happened?

You might need to look up what happens when water reacts with sodium bicarbonate