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Astronomers and Telescopes

Astronomers are scientists who study stars, planets, and outer space. They often make use of very powerful telescopes.

What is a telescope?
A device which helps us to see, and learn more about, far-away objects. Simple telecopes use glass lenses to focus light. Astronomers may use this type of telescope, or sometimes a different type of telecope which collects different forms of radiation from a great distance away
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A simple telescope uses two glass lenses to magnify a distant object

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You could become an astronomer! There are several astronomy societies in Wales, such as the one in Swansea:

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This is one of the radio-telescopes at Jodrell bank, near Manchester, which astronomers can use to study objects in outer space

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Mike Peel; Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics, University of Manchester

What Astronomers Know

What do scientists think the layers present within the planet Mars are like, and how does this compare to Earth?
There is a crust, mantle and core - this is similar to Earth, though we don’t yet know what the core is like on Mars.
If the force of gravity on Earth is 10m/s2, what is the value on Mars?
On Mars, gravity is 62.5% less than on Earth, which is 62.5/100 x 10 = 6.25 m/s2 less. So, force of gravity on Mars is 10 - 6.25 = 3.75 m/s2