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As well as being able to take photographs, the Mars Curiosity rover has instruments that can measure temperature, atmospheric pressure (this is the ‘push’ of the atmosphere on objects at the planet’s surface) and humidity (the water content of the air).

Data Analysis Activity

The following table gives information about changes in temperature at Gale Crater over a 2-year period, which corresponds to just over 1200 Martian days or ‘sol’. Temperature was measured in units of ˚C (degrees Celsius). Use the information to answer the questions which follow.

Curiosity can also take samples of solids (ie. rocks and soil) on the planet surface, and samples of the gases in the Martian atmosphere.

What is the difference between a solid and a gas?
In a solid, particles are packed very close together, but in a gas, particles are far apart and have energy to move freely.
‘Solid’ and ‘gas’ are two ‘states of matter’. What is the third state of matter, and what is it like?
The third state of matter is ‘liquid’. In a liquid, particles are close together, but have enough energy for some movement.

Curiosity can analyse the samples it collects, meaning that it can find out what chemical substances are present in the samples (such as iron within Martian dust). It has a set of instruments to carry out chemical analysis, and NASA call them ‘Sample Analysis at Mars’, or ‘SAM’

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