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The main pathway for oxygen

Re-arrange the three elements below to show the route oxygen gas takes when it moves from air to cells

Oxygen reaching our cells

The paragraph below provides a bit more detail about the diagram you have just completed. Fill in the gaps by typing in the correct word from the list:

When inside red blood cells, oxygen is carried on a special molecule. What is it called?
When you set off on your mission to Mars, how will you deal with the lack of oxygen in outer space?
You will need an oxygen supply within your spacecraft ( as in this picture).
The lack of air, and air pressure, causes other effects on the human body. Can you suggest what one of these might be?
Without the pressure of air pushing on them, body fluids like blood could start to boil. Usually, however, our blood vessels are strong enough to limit this
Science Resource Image

NASA - Russian cosmonauts Andrey Borisenko (left), Expedition 28 commander; Alexander Samokutyaev (centre) and Sergei Volkov, both flight engineers, are pictured with Russian Elektron oxygen generator systems in the Zvezda Service Module of the International Space Station.