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The soil on Mars is very dusty, and reddish in colour. Why is this?
Because it contains iron ore.

You will need to modify the Martian soil to allow your plants to grow. The iron and other metals in the soil may affect plant growth, or may make plants too toxic for us to eat. It would also be important to add organic material (humus). This is absent from the Martian soil, but is important to help plants grow. You will have to cultivate, or farm, your plants with care, and your farm may need to be set up like a laboratory.

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What is humus made of, and why is it important for plant growth?

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Data Analysis Exercise

As part of your farming activity, you made three different varieties of soil: A, B, and C. You wanted to find out which of these would be best for the growth of your seeds. You planted three seeds in three different containers, with a different soil type in each. You then measured the heights of the three seedlings at different times after germination. The results you obtained are summarised in the graph below.