!You can do this practical exercise with adult supervision
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Practical 5

What factors affect the output of a solar cell?

This activity explores factors which affect the voltage output of a solar cell

Apparatus and materials

Each group will need


These safety points mainly tell you about hazard. You will need to think about the risk(s) this might pose, and how you can minimize the risk.


First of all, switch off the lights in the room, or close blinds/curtains to ensure that the room is quite dark.

  1. Connect your solar panel to a voltmeter using the connecting leads.
  2. Switch on the lamp. Position it close to the solar cell, and measure the distance between them: record this in the table below.
  3. Now look at the voltmeter, and record the voltage indicated in your table (NB: if no voltage is registered, check your connecting leads, and/or inform your teacher).
  4. Now, move the lamp 10cm further away from the solar cell, using the metre ruler to measure distance. Repeat the voltage measurement, and add this to your table.
  5. Continue as above with a range of distances until voltage measured is very low.
    Distance between solar cell and lamp (cm) Voltage (Volts)


Can you explain the results you obtained?

Can you think of other factors you could investigate that could affect the output of a solar cell?

In what sort of conditions do solar cells function best to generate electricity?

What sort of problems might there be in countries like Wales when using solar cells to produce electricity for homes and factories?