Gweithgaredd 41

Mae Jac yn dysgu Cymraeg. Mae e'n deall popeth ond mae e'n ateb y cwestiynau i gyd yn Saesneg. Ydych chi'n gallu helpu? Cyfieithwch y geiriau mewn coch yn y bocs. Yna, argraffwch y gwaith a'i roi i'ch tiwtor.

I ddechrau, beth yw eich enw?  


Helo Jac, sut roeddet ti'n teimlo yn ystod y prawf llafar? The examiner arrived late. By then I was shaking like a leaf. He knew I was nervous.


Sut rwyt ti'n gwybod? I couldn't remember the first line of the poem. I should have learnt it off by heart. I was ready to give up, but fair play, he helped me.


Roedd e'n ddyn neis felly? Yes, not bad. By the end of the exam, everything was alright.


Ofynnodd e rywbeth am Hedd Wyn? Yes, he asked me to name Hedd Wyn's girlfriends and then to talk about one of them.