Canolfan Peniarth

Study the plan of the new campsite

What are the arguments for and against the proposal to develop a new campsite by the river?

Before deciding investigate the following different viewpoints.



Viewpoint 1 Viewpoint 2 Viewpoint 3 Viewpoint 4 Viewpoint 5 Viewpoint 6

Farmer: I'm against the proposal as the campsite will be located next to my fields by the river. During the summer months the cattle are in the fields. There are enough campsites in and around the village already.


Canoeist: This is an excellent proposal. It is difficult to reach the river from the other campsites. I sometimes have to carry the canoe a long way from the car park to the river.


Fisherman: I’m against the proposal because the campsite will be located too close to the river. These fields have been flooded in the past. The campsite will increase noise and possible pollute the river and this will affect the wildlife especially the fish.


Local resident: There are enough tourists visiting the village. There is no need for another campsite. The footpaths by the river are already congested during the holiday season. Sometimes tourists throw rubbish on these footpaths and into the river.


A keen walker: The campsite will attract visitors because it is by the river and have excellent access to footpaths/trails for walkers. It will also increase eco-tourism because the tourists will be able to leave their cars on the campsite.


Landlord of a public house: There is a need for another campsite in the village. Every year the tourists complain that they have to camp many miles/km from the village because the present campsites are full. A new campsite will attract more tourists to the village.


Choose one or more viewpoints and drag them to the boxes above.

Plead your case as to WHY the proposal should be/should not be accepted by the planning department/local community.