Mae naw gytsain yn treiglo'n meddal.
Gair fenywaidd ydy 'brawddeg'.
Dylech defnyddio adferf i disgrifio gweithred.
Mae angen treiglad llaes ar ôl i chi defnyddio'r rhif 'tri' yn brawddeg.
Cofiwch bod ansoddair fel arfer yn dilyn enwau yng Nghymraeg.
naw cytsain – A soft mutation is not required after naw. Remember, however, that blwydd and blynedd take a nasal mutation after naw, e.g.
Bydd Elan yn naw mlwydd oed yfory.
Mae Alun wedi byw yn Llanberis ers naw mlynedd.
treiglo'n meddal – nouns and adjectives take a soft mutation after the predicative yn. Remember that nouns and adjectives beginning with ll and rh are exceptions to this rule, e.g.
Mae Marged yn ferch frwdfrydig iawn.
Mae Ceri yn ddiflas iawn.
Mae Gareth yn llwyddiannus iawn.
The table of mutations can be found by clicking here.
gair fenywaidd – gair is a masculine singular noun. Adjectives mutate after feminine singular nouns, e.g.
rhaglen ddiddorol, stori fer, drama gyffrous.
There is no need for a mutation if the noun is masculine as in this case.
dylech defnyddio - The direct object of a short/personal verb takes a soft mutation, e.g.
Canais gân yn y cyngerdd.
Credaf fod Nesta Wyn Jones …
Dylech gofio'r newyddion hyn.
The table of mutations can be found by clicking here.
i disgrifio - a soft mutation is required after prepositions. A soft mutation is required after each of the following:
am |
ar |
at |
gan |
tros |
trwy |
wrth |
dan |
heb |
i |
o |
hyd |
The table of mutations can be found by clicking here.
ar ôl i chi defnyddio'r - the verb-noun defnyddio must take a soft mutation after the preposition i even though it doesn't directly follow the i. This is also the case when the preposition conjugates, e.g.
Aeth Efan i'r gwely ar ôl i ni gyrraedd adref.
Cofiais ar ôl iddo ddweud y stori eto.
The table of mutations can be found by clicking here.
The suffixes for the prepositions can be found by clicking here.
mewn brawddeg – yn and mewn.
Both these words mean 'in'.
yn is used in definite phrases:
Mewn is used in indefinite phrases. This usually means that mewn is used in front of any small letter except those noted above, e.g. mewn munud, mewn brawddeg.
Cofiwch bod - The direct object of a short/personal verb takes a soft mutation, e.g.
Canais gân yn y cyngerdd.
Ysgrifennodd y bardd gerdd.
Cofiwch fod Nesta Wyn Jones …
The table of mutations can be found by clicking here.
yng Nghymraeg – We never say or write yng Nghymraeg. Yn y Gymraeg is the correct form for 'in Welsh'. The predicative, y, is often omitted in spoken and written Welsh. When this happens, the soft mutation (yn (y) Gymraeg) remains. A nasal mutation is never is used.