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Yn ddiweddar, rydym wedi cael gwybod am nifer cynyddol o bobl nad ydynt yn gallu gosod neu redeg ein apiau Tric a Chlic ar eu dyfeisiau symudol a thabledi. Fel mesur dros dro, wrth i ni geisio ateb parhaol, rydym wedi sicrhau bod y ddau ap Tric a Chlic ar gael yma, ar y we, fel y gallai'r rhai yr effeithir arnynt barhau i allu defnyddio'r apiau ar ryw ffurf.

  • Dylai'r fersiynau hyn weithio ar y rhan fwyaf o ddyfeisiau: gliniaduron, cyfrifiaduron, ffonau symudol, a thabledi a wnaed yn ystod y blynyddoedd diwethaf, ac maent wedi'u profi ar y cyfuniadau porwr dyfeisiau hyn. Lle gwyddwn am unrhyw broblem gyda rhan benodol o ap, cânt eu rhestru isod.
  • Os ydych chi'n defnyddio dyfais symudol, gall llywio i ffwrdd o'r dudalen we (drwy leihau eich porwr gwe / ap newid) achosi i'r dudalen fod angen ei hail-lwytho.
  • Rhestrir maint pob ap isod. Y tro cyntaf i chi gyrchu pob un, bydd angen iddo lawrlwytho ei gynnwys i'ch dyfais. Ar y rhan fwyaf o ddyfeisiau, ar ôl i chi gyrchu'r ap unwaith na ddylai fod angen iddo lawrlwytho ei gynnwys eto, a dylai lwytho'n gyflymach nag a wnaeth y tro cyntaf. Ar gyfer dyfeisiau iOS, gall maint yr ap ar ôl llwytho i lawr fod yn fwy na'r hyn a restrir yma.
  • I gael y profiad gorau, defnyddiwch eich dyfais ar fodd tirwedd (‘landscape’).

Recently we've been made aware of a growing number of people unable to install or run our Tric a Chlic apps on their mobile and tablet devices. As a temporary measure while we see to more permanent solutions, we've made the two Tric a Chlic apps available here, in web form, so that those affected might still be able to use the apps in some form.

  • These versions should work on most laptop, computer and mobile / tablet devices made within the past few years, and have been tested on these device-browser combinations. If there are known issues with a specific part of an app, they will be listed below.
  • If you are using a mobile device, navigating away from the web page (by minimizing your web browser / changing app) may cause the page to require reloading.
  • Each app's size is listed below. The first time you access each one, it will need to download its content to your device. On the majority of devices, after you've accessed the app once it shouldn't need to download its content again, and should load more quickly than it did the first time. For iOS devices, the size of the app after download may be greater than that listed here.
  • For the best experience, use your device in landscape mode.

Tric a Chlic


Nid yw'n ymddangos bod Unity WebGL yn cefnogi chwarae fideo wedi'i wreiddio; felly, yn anffodus, nid yw’r fideos ffurfio llythyrau * ar gael.

Unity WebGL does not seem to support embedded video playback; unfortunately, letter-formation videos * are therefore unavailable.

Llwytho / Load

Tric a Chlic 2


Bydd yr ap weithiau'n rhewi wrth glicio ar gêm Hosan → Cam 3/Indigo → Seren. Mae adnewyddu'r dudalen yn dad-rewi'r ap.

App will sometimes freeze when clicking on the Cam 3 → Blue/Indigo Star → Sock game. Refreshing the page unfreezes the app.

Llwytho / Load
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